Nothing is Impossible

28 Feb

If you told me last year that I would be writing an article for Power Soccer Extra, playing for Misfits, and taking charge as President of the Star of the Week Board, I probably would have laughed at you.  I always hoped for these things to happen, but I never really thought they would.  I knew there were much better users out there that could easily have taken my place, and I thought for sure they would.

I used to think, “Who am I to dream the impossible?  Who am I to want something I am not fit for?” but even as I knew I might not prevail, I tried.  I gave it my best to succeed, even though I knew I might fail.  I did not heed the scoffing and mockery of those around me, because only I know my true potential.  I knew I could grab a star if I wanted, and that I could soar with the eagles.  I set my heart on success, and did not get discouraged.

I was accepted into mediocrity.  There is nothing wrong with that, but I had hoped for more.  If you settle with mediocrity, that is what you get.  Opportunities are not shown to those who do not reach out for them.  When you are fighting the easy fight, the reward is hardly something to speak of, never mind to fight for.  The easy road leads to the stream, while the rough terrain opens up to the vast oceans.  To achieve true greatness, you must dream for it.  It does not open up to you; rather you must fight for it.  You cannot settle for anything less than your dream, because that only leads to disappointment.  You have to crave greatness for yourself, and never let anyone tell you any different.

Even if you fight, you may not succeed.  Often times there are disappointments along the way that can discourage you, but you cannot take note of these.  Yes the journey may be rough, but what is at the end of the road is worth it.  And if you give up, you may not be given those chances again.

Sometimes the biggest dreamers were ridiculed in their times.  Nobody else can realize their full potential but themselves.  Nobody can tell you what your potential is, that is something you must do yourself.  Only you can dream your dreams, so don’t let anybody tell you differently.

So how did I get from a newbie to where I am now?  Simple: I never gave up on my dream.  I received my fair share of obstacles, but that never made me give up.  Perseverance is what makes dreams reality.  Perseverance means never giving up, even when everybody is against you.  You have to stand up for what you believe, even if you are standing alone.

Does that make me a hero?  No, that makes me a simple user with a dream and hope.  I am just like every one of you reading this: a simple guy with potential.  The real trick is what you do with that potential.  Will you let it to go fail, or will you use your talents and strive to greatness?

Remember your potential, and what you are capable of.

Nothing is impossible.



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Posted by on February 28, 2011 in Uncategorized


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